2017 storyboard program
2017 storyboard program

She is a Vice-President of Russian non-governmental organization for small and medium business «OPORA RUSSIA» a member of the Supreme Council of the All-Russian political party «United Russia» the representative of the Presidential Commissioner for protection of the entrepreneurs rights the Committee Coordinator of the All-Russian People’s Front the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPA “Phoenix”, LLC the Deputy Chairperson of Public Council of the Federal Accreditation Service a member of the Public Council of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart), a member of the Council of SRO “Association PPE” (Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment). In 1989 she graduated from Foreign Trade Academy of the USSR.

2017 storyboard program

In 1985 she graduated from Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University. Since 2011: Director of the Clusters and Technoparks Association.īludyan, Marina Anatolievna was born on Decemin Moscow.

2017 storyboard program

Andrei Shpilenko was born on July 27, 1975.Ģ005: graduated with distinction from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in Public Service HR Management.Ģ012: completed a Master of Business Administration (MBA) course at the same Academy, specialising in Economics and Finance.Ģ013: completed the postgraduate course at the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Science and IT Support, specialising in Economics and Management of the National Economy (business administration, managing sectors of the national economy, IT and communication clusters) he is CSc (Econ.).Ģ005 to 2007: Deputy Head of Staff in the group of MPs from the United Russia faction at the State Duma of the Russian Federation.Ģ008 to 2009: Principal of the State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Training, Moscow State University of Technologies and Management.Ģ009 to 2012: Chairman of the Management Board, Technopark Sarov, c.

2017 storyboard program